Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Huar

This is a horror story that I have made. Please tell me what you think about it.

It was a cold chilly night and Sandra went out for adventuring. The white moon looked as pale as ever and it barely glowed. The trees drooped so low that it felt like they were going to fall any minute. This was probably the worst time to go out exploring especially when she was in Reedville. Reedville was known for strange, unknown creatures who roamed around in the forest at night.

As brave, tall and sporty as Sandra was, everyone knew she was very ignorant when the topic came to ghosts. This was probably because she was a city girl who had come to Reedville for a camping trip with her friends. This blonde haired girl had been challenged to come out for a walk in the woods at midnight. Strangely, she accepted the challenge.

She was just about to finish her walk when she heard a piercing scream shrieking “Help me.” She ran towards the noise and saw this horse who was 1/3 human, 1/3 bear and 1/3 horse devouring over a dead body. It had legs like a human, a tail like a horse and a face like a bear. Sandra screeched like a bird and ran like a horse. She ran like the wind until she tripped over a branch that was on the floor. She quickly got up and ran even faster.

Suddenly she bumped in to a figure and yelled thinking it was the ‘thing’. “Yo, dudette, what’cha yellin for? It’s only me.” It was Andrew. I would describe Andrew as a boy who always wore a black sweatshirt with a hood and jeans. His vocabulary was literally dude, dudette and yo! “ I, I , I” “ Dude, I am literate you know . Go on.” “I saw this thing that had legs like a human , a tail like a horse and a face like a bear.” “ Really, that’s radical! I wanna see this huar.” “ This what?” “ You know a horse, a human and a bear all combined.” “Whatever!” Sandra exclaimed.

They paced through the woods very quietly but quickly so that they could see this huar. Suddenly, Sandra heard a low growl. “Oh my gosh! Did you here that growl with the horrid smell.” “Sorry, my bad.” “ Sick! Hey look, there it is.” “Hey huar turn around.” “ No, don’t do that.” But it was too late.The head of the huar turned around slowly and then Andrew exclaimed “Hey dad, did you have a good meal?” “Pretty much, but I still have space left for one more human. Wanna join me?” “Ahh!” After this shocking scream, Sandra was never seen again.


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